Huntress of the Lens


Friday, May 21, 2010

Soccer Mom Newsletter

Well, this is it. Whatever is packed is what's going with me to the river. If I've forgotten something, chances are that Shayla will have remembered it. I always have fifteen times more stuff than I need anyway. I guess my biggest fear every year is that no one will want anything from us, but then I'll be over my head by tomorrow afternoon and wondering how I can get it all done. I hope Tiffany gets a chance to do many piercings, and that we sell all the Pride jewelry we've been gathering just for this event.

Got to see my folks for two days, that was a great way to kick off a fantastic weekend. I would have liked to spend more time with them but Michael doesn't have much left after a day of work that starts at 4:30.

I need to change spaces and become inspired and enlightened, this reads like a soccer-mom newsletter.

In 1992 I started this thing called Flying Colors Tattoo, and once again I'm taking it out on the road. I am the Tattoo Lady dammit, I'm an unstoppable force. I am going to win this weekend with my Power Girl team.

If I forget the charger for my camera battery after thinking of it all these times I will have to deduct one point from my final score.

Beautiful river, land of love and laughter and my honeymoon, here I come!

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The fish can fly, the dogs and cats dance together and all the flowers are edible.